The Liturgical feast of Blessed Emperor Karl I of Austria will be celebrated on Sunday 23rd October, 2016 at 7:00 pm in the Church of Saint Paul in Birkirkara, Malta. Mass will be celebrated in the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite. All the Maltese members of the Gebetsliga are invited along with the general public.
Congratulations to the new Delegates of the Emperor Karl League of Prayers for the United States of America and Canada. These are Rev. Fr Boniface Hicks O.S.B., Rev. Fr Frank Philipps CR and Miss Suzanne Pearson. May God bless your new work for the League and the Cause of Canonization of Emperor Karl!
We wish to congratulate Mgr. Arnaldo Morandi - Delegate of the Emperor Karl League of Prayers for Peace among Nations - Italy, for his recent appointment as Vice-Postulator of the Canonization Cause of Blessed Emperor Karl of Austria.
Ad multos annos!
The 2014 General Assembly of the Emperor Karl League was held on the 18th October in Heilegenkreuz Abbey in Vienna, Austria. The President, the Executive President, the Committee and many Delegates attended. Many important issues were discussed such as the Official website of the League and the reported "Miracle" through Emperor Karl`s intercession in the U.S.A. along with other plans for the future.
This year`s Annual Pilgrimage was held in Sopron, Hungary. It was precisely in this city that in 1895, Mother Vincentia Fauland prophesied that the young Archduke Karl would one day become Emperor of Austria, suffer a lot and be a target of hell! She asked for a prayer group to be formed in order for its members to sustain Karl with their prayers and sacrifices. This group later came to be known as the Emperor Karl League of Prayers for Peace among Nations. The Holy Mass was celebrated by H.G. Mgr. Dr. Fernand Franck - Archbishop Emeritus of Luxembourg and President of the League. The Executive President was also present along with the General Assembly and many Delegates.
A relic of Blessed Emperor Karl I of Austria was enshrined in the Church of Santa Maria dell`Anima in Rome. Mgr. Arnaldo Morandi - Delegate of the Emperor Karl League of Prayers for Italy was present along with Mgr. Dr. Franz Xaver Brandmayr - Rector of the Papal College and Spiritual Assistant of the League. We do hope that pilgrims visiting this Roman Church will have the occasion to pray to Blessed Karl I and ask for his canonization!
The liturgical feast of Blessed Emperor Karl was celebrated in the Nossa Senhora do Monte Parish Church in Funchal, Madeira. It is precisely in this church that the mortal remains of Emperor Karl are preserved. The Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Fr. Giselo Andrade - Parish Priest of Monte. After the Mass, the congregation prayed for the Canonization of Karl in front of his tomb.
The Liturgical Feast of Blessed Karl I was celebrated on the 21st October in the Saint Gottardo Church in Brescia. The Mass was presided by H.G. Mgr. Vigilio Mario Olmi - Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Brescia.
The Liturgical Feast of Blessed Karl I was celebrated on the 21st October in the Collegiate Basilica of the Visitation in Gharb - Gozo. The Mass was celebrated by the Rev. Dr. Joseph Sultana - Archpriest of Gharb. Many Maltese members of the Emperor Karl League of Prayers were present along with many parishioners who accepted our invitation! We were also privileged to have the Knights and Dames of the Order of Malta for the celebration. After the Mass, Dennis Mifsud - Delegate of the League for Malta, made a speech in which he talked about the history of the League and the Canonization Cause of Blessed Karl I of Austria. Many parishioners asked for admission in the League. In fact, the League is growing rapidly in this beautiful island!
The Liturgical Feast of Blessed Karl of Austria was celebrated also in Italva/RJ Brasil: precisely in the Oratorio Regina Sanctorum. Rev. Fr. Antonio de Paula da Silva celebrated the Mass.
The Emperor Karl League of Prayers in Malta has just published a new book on Emperor Karl and Empress Zita. For further information or to order your copy, please contact the League in Malta on
The Liturgical Feast of Blessed Karl was celebrated in the Saint Mary Church in Washington D.C. on October 21st. More than 300 persons were present for the Mass which was celebrated according to the Extraordinary Form of the Latin Rite!
29. März 2020 um 10.00
Reliquieneinsetzung in der Prandtauerkirche/St. Pölten
1. April 2020 um 19.00
Gedenken in Nossa Senhor do Monte/Madeira
10. Oktober 2020
Jahreshauptversammlung in Heiligenkreuz
15. 10. bis 17. 10. 2020 ErasmusTage in Wien
mit Kaiser Karl Schwerpunkt
17. Oktober 2020 um 12.00 Uhr
Pontifikalmesse zu Ehren des Seligen in der Karlskirche/Wien
25. Oktober 2020 um 10.00 Uhr
Reliquieneinsetzung in der Prandtauerkirche/St. Pölten
22. November 20 um 18.30
Pfarrkirche St. Magareten i. R. Kärnten
22. Mai 2021 in Brandeis
Audienz bei Kaiser Karl
5. September 2021 um 14.00
Enthüllung eines Kaiser Karl Reliefs in Persenbeug
16. Oktober 2022 um 10.00 in 2700 Wr. Neustadt, Propstei, Domplatz 1
17. Oktober 21 in Tongre/Belgien um 16.30
Messe annuelle en l´honeur du Bienheureux
21. Oktober 21 in Piestany
Gedenkmesse zu Ehren des Seligen
23. Oktober 21 um 11 Uhr in Pau/Frankreich
Messe annuelle
24. Oktober 21 in der Abtei Jasov
24. Oktober 21 um 18.30 in Zagreb
Hl. Messe zelebriet von fra Mate Basic
24. Oktober 21 in Zell am See/St. Hippolyt
24. Oktober 21 in Ferlach/St. Martin
Im Jahre 2022 in Memoriam des 100. Todestages
1. März 2022 in der Militärkathedrale/Bratislava
Pontifikalamt mit Reliquieneinsetzung
24. März 2022 an der Universität Lissabon um 18 Uhr
Symposion zu Ehren des Seligen zum 100. Todestag
27. März bis 3. April 22 Jubiläumswallfahrt nach Madeira zum 100. Todestag
31. März um 18.30-Rosenkranz in der Kirche "Colegio dos Jesuitas"
1. April um 10.00-Pontifikalamt in der Kathedrale
nachmittags pilgern wir auf den "Monte", wo der Selige begraben ist
15.30 Segen am Monte
1. April 2022 Salesianerinnen in Wien/Rennweg
Pontifikalmesse und Vorträge
1. April 22 um 18.00 in der Minoritenkirche/Wien
Gedächtnismesse zum 100. Todestag in der Minortenkirche
1. April 22 um 18.00 in St. Peter/München-Rindermarkt
Pontifikalmesse mit dem Apostolischen Nuntius Eterovic
2. April 2001 in Wien
23. März bis 1. April 22 im Kloster Vorau
Novene und Vortrag zum Todestag
23. April 2022 in der Pfarrkirche S. Sebastian/84095 Furth/Landshut um 17.00 Uhr
Pontifikalmesse zum 100 Todestag des Seligen mit Bischof Mixa
April 2022 in Klosterneuburg-Kierling
Ausstellung zum 100. Todestag des Seligen
30. April in Lourdes um 10.30 Uhr
1. Mai 22 in Lourdes um 17.30
7. Mai 2022 in Görz
Jubiläumsfeier zum 100.Todestag
18. Juni bis 28. Juni 22 in Pottschach/Ternitz
Novene und Ausstellung
12. Juli 22 um 19.00 in Lisboa
Vortrag von Prof. Miguel Sardica
15. August 22 a L'ile-Bouchard
Messe et Conference
1. September in Lourdes um 20.30
23. -25. September 22 in St. Leonhard/Kärnten
Jugendveranstaltung mit EU Institutionen über den Seligen
1. Oktober 22 St. Martin de Besson
Conference et S. Messe
Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2022 in Brixen um 15.00 Uhr!!!
Jahreshauptversammlung (zwei Tage früher als ursprünglich vorgesehen und außerdem in Brixen)
15. Oktober 22 in St. Sulpice um 10-18Uhr
Messe und Conference
21. Oktober 2022 um 18.00 im Hohen Dom zu St. Stephan in Wien
Pontifikalamt mit H. H. Apostolischen Nuntius
21. Oktober 22 um 10.30 in Klosterkirche Muri
Festmesse zu Ehren des Seligen
21. Oktober 22 im Schloss Schwarzau (Gefängnis)
Festmesse am Hochzeitsort des Seligen
Oktober 2022 in Brixen
Ausstellung zum 100. Todestag des Seligen
30. Oktober 22 um 10.30 in Zell/See
Ligamesse in St. Hippolyth
13. November 22 um 9.30 Ferlach
13. November 22 um 10.30 in St. Margareten/Rosental
18. April 23 um 18.30 in Saint Roch/Paris
Hl. Messe und "Concert"
20. April 23 in Versailles
Hl. Messe
30. Juli 23 in Mafra/Versailles Portugals
Pontifikalmesse mit Reliquieneinsetzung
29. Sept. 23 in Bad Fischau
15. Oktober 2023
21. Oktober 2023 in CH-Reinau
Gedenkfeier mit Bischof Dr. Marian Eleganti
21. Oktober 23 um 18.00 Uhr im Stephansdom/Wien
Hochamt mit Prälat Domprobst Brandmayr
21. Oktober 23 um 9 Uhr und 19.00 Uhr
ITI-Hochschule Trumau
22. Oktober 23 in Rietz/Tirol u. 9.45 (St. Antoniuskirche)
Jahresgedächtnismesse mit Reliquienverehrung
24. August 24 um 12.00 Uhr im Stephansdom Wien
Hl. Messe mit Reliquienverehrung
14. September 24 um 14. Uhr in Saint_Marc de Souvigny
Vortrag "L 'empereur, les princes e la paix"
15. September 24 um 15.00 im Stift Heiligenkreuz
Kreuzerhöhungssonntag mit Reliquienverehrung Kaiser Karls
21. September 24 in Bad Fischau um 14.00 Uhr
03. Oktober 24 bei den Salvatorianerinnen/Wien
H. Messe
03. Oktober 24 im Stephansdom/Wien um 18.00 Uhr
Hl. Messe mit Probst F.-X.Brandmayr
03. Oktober 24 in Mulhouse
04. Oktober 24 in Stetten/Elsass
05. Oktober 24 in Saint-Pierre/Elsass
18. Oktober 24 um 18.30 Uhr in Linnich/Aachen
Festmesse mit Pfarre Popp
20. Oktober 24 um 16.30 in Tongre/ Belgien
Hl. Messe und Reliquienverehrung
26. Oktober 24 um 15.00 Uhr in Viehofen/St. Pölten
27. Oktober 24 in Maria Zell um 11.15 Uhr
Wallfahrt anläßlich des 20. Jahrestages der Seligsprechung Kaiser Karls